Bird Study

With snowmagedon under way in the northwest we are starting a Bird Watching Study.  These girls loved going out in the snow with short sleeves and capris.  During the weekend before 8 more inches I found ceramic birds to paint, printed off a bird journal from Pinterest and downloaded an app on my phone so we can figure out what kind of birds are coming to our feeders.  

These first 2 photos are of the girls gathering snow and measuring how much they got, and how much water it became after it melted. I was shocked at how dirty the containers were after the snow melted, I thought I had a saved a photo from my phone so you will have to trust me, or try it for yourself!  I always thought people were over paranoid about kids eating snow that was f alling freshly from the sky, but now, not so much.

Her face in this last one, hilarious.


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