A day in the life...

So here is day in the life when you are all home together and  snowed in for the winter.

We always start with Bible, taking care of the bunny and then our basics (math, reading, spelling)

Pageant Make Up

Starting a fort, then turned into a blobby snowman

Hubby got home so I got in a picture for once!

My protection from nerf bullets and balls.  A one hour standoff.

At first they had a laser (duck tape) maze by Little Man went ahead and destroyed 10 minutes of work in less than one.

Getting serious.  We called a truce to go outside, so they ate veggies and got chocolate.

Hunting icicles. 

Broke a bat on ice.

Hard work walking in this deep of snow. 

I love red cheeks.

My turn for makeup, this is JellyBeans side.

I feel like Two Face from Batman, lol. 

We tried school with Little Man, hes fighting his naps and staying up too late for us.  To my amazement he did well, but the house was 10x's the disaster.

I could not resist a picture of his little piggies.

Legos everywhere.

Watching Polar Bear videos

This has been very hard to get used to - a very, very messy house when we are all home together  and  stuck indoors. 

I was definitely tired after this day, but it was alot of fun.


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