Ledington Christmas 2016

 Our tradition every Christmas Eve Eve has always been a fun tradition of a sleepover with myself and the hubby and the kiddos.  We head over during the day to nap, play, bake, make homemade name cards and just enjoy the day together.

This year we had lots of snow to play in so my stepdad who is recovering from shoulder surgery helped us get his 4wheeler out to sled around the neighborhood.  We had so much fun.

I baked a Snickerdoodle cake the day before and the kids and I made the Brown Sugar ButterCream frosting and frosted the delicious cake to celebrate Jesus' birthday.

Unfortunately with all the snow it made traveling difficult, so our Uncle Wade and Aunt Martha couldn't make it out to dinner.  I was happy to see my Hubby walk in the door after work, and the girls were excited to have their dad drive the 4wheeler since he goes faster and turns corners that make them fly off.  So fun to see your kids with rosy red cheeks, frozen eyebrows and whining from the 'fun'! 

After dinner we played the Saran Wrap game and Mouth Guard Challenge.  We were laughing so hard we were crying and you drool so much with those things in your mouth, it was so much fun! My stomach muscles were sore the next day.  

We all slept great in their cozy warm house and in the morning we exchanged gifts and made a big breakfast with Grandpas famous waffles, and paired them with strawberries, whip cream, and bacon.

We ended the morning with more sledding from more snow overnight and sadly packed up our things to head home.  I love this tradition, part of me feels like it comes and goes too fast.  I want it last longer.  Usually we go to church for Christmas Eve services so we have something to keep my mind busy, but since Christmas fell on a Sunday this year our church decided no Christmas Eve services and services on Christmas at 10:30.  We cleaned up the house, did some laundry and watched movies, Little Man fought his nap and then he was grumpy and pulling on my all day.  Not so much fun, but he went to bed early and I got to cuddle with the rest of the family for the evening.  

Thankful and blessed for another great family tradition with my mom and stepdad.  They bless us with their love, help, and guidance while always pointing us to the Lord.  

A few pictures from our day:

 She's just as beautiful on the inside as the outside.

 She was definitely over her sister taking portraits.  

  Mommy said no more juice...

   Love this woman.


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