Will This bring Value to Your Life?
With my health issues at the beginning of the year and seeking medical help from two doctors and seeking counseling I learned....how not to be a lab rat. I did and took what they wanted me to, and my questions to my gastroenterologist about diet, went like this "eat mediterranean diet". So I got 3 books from the library and it was a joke. I decided to take health into my own hands. After many months I can tell what foods trigger my reflux and that being present and mindful, having less stress I will hopefully never experience 3 ulcers again. My other doctor put me on Birth Control to help lessen my cycle symptoms and offered to put me on something more for depression {she already said the pill would help my mood, so I declined} and let me tell you, it made me much more depressed, nauseated for months without knowing and both doctors never questioning if the pill was bad for me. I did my own research and many other women complained about the same thing. So frustrating. She also said if I eat a healthy diet I don't need to take vitamins, something I would find out to be completely wrong.
After a weekend away I had a migraine and knew my diet was really bad while traveling so I watched 3 Food Documentaries on Netflix. Forks Over Knives, In Defense of Food, and Food Matters were all great films, each one teaching me different things. Many skeptics say statistics are made up, there is an agenda for the filmmakers, etc. I for one know that between my 2 doctors, I was given the run around when I asked about taking vitamins or a special diet, and instead received medicine. One healed my ulcers although I still had pain all the time, and another caused nausea and depression. Vitamins and Depression was discussed in one of the films, in that a women was so depressed she wouldn't leave her room. They took her off of depression meds and gave her something like 11,000 mg of Niacin (vitamin B) and she was at the dining room table, talking, and laughing. However once her family told her doctor, he said oh no, that is too much vitamins it will kill her. The family, listening to the doctor, took her off the Niacin, and where do you think she ended up? Back in her room, depressed. Have you ever heard of someone dying from taking too much Niacin? Not one single case has been recorded.
After a weekend away I had a migraine and knew my diet was really bad while traveling so I watched 3 Food Documentaries on Netflix. Forks Over Knives, In Defense of Food, and Food Matters were all great films, each one teaching me different things. Many skeptics say statistics are made up, there is an agenda for the filmmakers, etc. I for one know that between my 2 doctors, I was given the run around when I asked about taking vitamins or a special diet, and instead received medicine. One healed my ulcers although I still had pain all the time, and another caused nausea and depression. Vitamins and Depression was discussed in one of the films, in that a women was so depressed she wouldn't leave her room. They took her off of depression meds and gave her something like 11,000 mg of Niacin (vitamin B) and she was at the dining room table, talking, and laughing. However once her family told her doctor, he said oh no, that is too much vitamins it will kill her. The family, listening to the doctor, took her off the Niacin, and where do you think she ended up? Back in her room, depressed. Have you ever heard of someone dying from taking too much Niacin? Not one single case has been recorded.
I am eating cleaner than before-avoid processed foods as much as possible, eating vegetables and fruit all day, whole grains, little to no dairy and meat if there are other options. I also am taking a Vitamin B Complex and a Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc combination and I have an abundant amount of energy and happiness again. I know the weather has helped with this too, but feeling nauseated and pained all day, everyday was no life to live. So instead of being a skeptic and saying its all an agenda, or buying some product, I am eating better and feel so much better. All the proof I needed.
Then I watched The Minimalists and started purging like crazy. What I loved about this film is how these guys are traveling and spreading the message- Love People, Not Things. The stories I related to the most were the ones who felt less stressed with less stuff. I get so overwhelmed with stuff everywhere because we are all home together and each of us have stuff, and then school stuff, and then we need to eat, and if I keep buying decor I have to dust more, find more room for this, and I keep books that mean alot to me and I might read again, even though I haven't touched it in 6 years, what if this book would benefit someone else and I am hoarding it?
Since we are painting JellyBeans room this week we started in her room and I have been tossing things and took 3 big bags, a box of decor and frames, and a tote full of her old room decor and toys to the Youth Ranch. It felt so good. I already have a wagon full of decor I don't need.
Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus recommend asking yourself Does this bring or add value to your life? And so much of the time, it doesn't. It looks like the pin I pinned.
Now I have to admit, I LOVE thrift shopping. Mostly for books, educational items, art, and vintage kitchen items. So as I took in what you see in the car below, I went in searching for some books I need for the next school year, I found the cutest pot I have ever seen. And it does add value to my life because I needed another stockpot.
My focus word for the year is health. Physical and Mental. As I eat better, and feel better I am looking forward to more focusing on mental health, soul refreshing, focusing on the present. Decluttering stuff so I can focus on my family and my self care is easier now that I feel better. We all have to start somewhere, and I thought if I shared my story it could help others.
The donation run, one of many....
And this beauty I found at a Vintage Store on our camping trip to make good 'ol camp coffee. Its the little things 😁
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