Family Adventures : Jump Creek Idaho

When I looked at our calendar last weekend and realized we had no parties, no major commitments, or projects that were pressing, I asked the hubby "Can we please do a 1/2 day trip?" and knowing from my smile he knew we were already going but that it would mean so much more to me if he was excited too, he said Yes and started mentioning places to go. So Friday night we planned our escape with the kids...get up, get some amazing donuts along the highway, pack some water and granola bars and hit the road with towels, nature books, and journals for each kid in their back packs and we were off.
We surprised the kids and they were in the car in no time flat. Its become very apparent to me that if the kids really want to go, there is no nagging involved. Im thankful they love the outdoors as much as we do.
These amazing donuts are off HWY 19 before you hit Greenleaf. They deliver at no extra charge in the Treasure Valley. Their website has so many flavor options, the roadside did not, but I'm thankful because we had a hard time as it is. I recommend the blueberry-amazing.
Here is again, an overload of photos, but again nature, getting to play with my Cannon camera, hiking up the hill with the family, unplanned swimming with JellyBean {she knows if she dares me, I am taking her with me, the water was so fresh, and amazing. Much colder than Lake Lowell where we went twice last week, and I am thinking after this weekend of 102 degrees the water might be at the UCK point.} And sadly as I am going through my photos I noticed that they are a bit blurry, I was using Manual mode and playing with lighting and wasn't holding still long enough, but thats ok. The memories sustain us. And the gash on my leg where I fell helps too.
I wish I would have caught how AMAZING the light was in the little hideaway off the trail...I would have spent days photographing...well, anyone/thing that would let me!
Gorgeous! {lighting and the girl}
Can you spot the spider in the web? As we walked out we found 8 was like Arachnophobia in High School all over again...loathe that movie!
Little Man kept asking to be the leader and pushing through everyone.
This is when my knees went wobbly and I asked everyone to sit down or get down. Jellybean and Little Man aren't exactly steady on their feet-neither am I, so I took the photo and got down and they followed, thank goodness. I am all about adventures, but Jump Creek is known for deadly falls, and I just ain't having it.
I found a nature book on reptiles and mammals and Little Man loves it. We were talking about the caves and what lives in them and he had all sorts to say and show me.
Journaling in her nature book.
Asking for me to help her find leaves.
Crawfish. They totally gross me out, and the hubby loves to find them.
Clearly not wanting a photo with me.
Blurry, and she looks miserable but we both laughed and loved it. Ok, we counted to 3, I went she didn't, I may have pushed her in, but she did go under by herself and came out laughing.
Yah! Someone offered to take a family photo!
She agreed to do a hike with me! Since we were the wet ones it wasn't so hot for us.
She is so fun.
So we decided to go farther and the whole family came...she got hot and tired.
Her shirt says "I CAN AND I WILL", so she's proving it.
I however, took a digger on the way down and literally bounced and my fifty/fifty water bottle went flying. Jellybean was with me and was concerned, as I was crawling around in the bush for my water I hear my hubby calling "Stay on the trail please."...that guy and his jokes, love it.
I however, took a digger on the way down and literally bounced and my fifty/fifty water bottle went flying. Jellybean was with me and was concerned, as I was crawling around in the bush for my water I hear my hubby calling "Stay on the trail please."...that guy and his jokes, love it.
We are struggling with making him walk and just carrying him so we can get there.
We saw a hawk and a falcon, maybe not....I love birds, but I am terrible at classifying them.
Just hanging out at the top.
We left at 8 am and home by noon. It was packed by the time we left. We napped and played with neighbors and got some stuff done around the house, and ended the night with family games. Thankful for the weekends we have some time to breath and spend with each other.
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