Tip Tuesday : 1/1

The Hubby and I lived the first 8 years of our marriage and child rearing away from family and it was really hard.  No sitters for appointments, dates, taking one kid here or there, and of course to celebrate everything with.  We did find and cultivate our own families in the states we lived in.
Now that we are home, and  homeschooling I am so thankful to have so much help from the grandparents. Its been really awesome to finally experience all the holidays, celebrations, and dates!
Its really, really  hard to homeschool with a toddler.  I can set up sensory bins, crafts, you name it, I have done it, but he is happy for maybe 5 minutes.  He wants to 'run the stink off', is what my amazing friend who has 2 teenage boys tells me.  He won't be like your girls, he's has to sweat it out...and she is right!  And with Idaho having a record winter of snowfall, ice, and record low temps, this winter has been so hard.
Back to my point, I always have at least 30 going on at one time, anywho, if you have family or friends around that offer to help you, BLESS THEM.  They aren't offering to look good, they want to spend a few hours with your kids.  Your kids may cry the first 5 minutes you are gone, then they will cry when you come back to take them away from all the fun they are having.
I got to spend hours  with J the other day building Lego's.  Like, 3 hours in the evening, then first thing after breakfast another 2.5 hours.  Just us.  Talking about what she wanted to talk about and me just about to really listen.  No distractions from her siblings, and I kept my phone away {but had to steal some pictures, but I asked first} and tried really hard not to clean when she was happily building by herself.  I loved seeing her focus and drive since I feel like she will only sit that long for movies, her first true love.
I would encourage Mammas to spend some 1:1 time with your kids, and if you live in the area and need a sitter, we would love to help out!


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