Treasures, Quiche + Day 4

Yesterday was another quiet day.  Waking up and Thanking God right away for breath in my lungs and all my blessings and praying for those that are sick and hurting.   Something a mom years ahead of me shared was the prayers we pray at certain times.  In the evening before we go to bed we should be praying prayers of Gods goodness so we can fall asleep to that knowledge.  Praying over heavy, hard things can make us more anxious or we may even fall asleep mid-prayer.  There is nothing wrong with how you are praying- pray!  However, that bit of knowledge helped me fight on my knees in the am and afternoon over the hard stuff, and by evening I could just rest in His arms knowing we had talked about the hard stuff already.
We made muffins, asked neighbors to play, picked up Jillian from church camp, picked up house, made homemade pizza, a breakfast quiche for the weekend, went for a walk, and made cookies and watched some tv.  It was so relaxing.
Yesterday I found these passages speaking volumes to me: Luke 12:33-34 "Sell your possessions and give to those in need.  This will store up treasure for you in heaven! And the purses of heaven never get old or develop holes. Your treasure will be safe; no thief can steal it and nor moth can destroy it.  Wherever your treasure is there the desires of your heart will also be."
What are my desires?  What are your desires?  Are you working towards them or away from them?  When we take delight in the Lord, He will give us the desires in our heart - in our humanness we take that as a genie in a bottle, when we are with Him daily, our desires are what He desires for us- Faith and Trust in Him.  We may never be healed.  We will suffer.  We will know grief.  We will be lonely.  Yet- with Him, we are not alone in these things, He will give us strength and endurance, if only we let Him.
My desire is to be more joyful, obedient, less prideful and giving.   So what am I going to do today to work on these? We will have to see!


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