What if I didn't...
Sunday, January19th
What if I didn't....
have social media?
read Blogs?
google things?
follow the news/celebrity gossip?
read/Listen to non fiction parenting/marriage/self help books?
And what if I did...
learn to trust God?
be ok with the quiet?
learn to trust my instincts again?
trust myself that I am doing what is in Gods will?
become content and even joyful in the mundane?
not store up so much info in my head to the point I can't be present in my own life?
Shall I give these questions time to reveal themselves? I think so. How long? I see time as January - December, but what if I can't answer them all by then or I answer them too quickly just to get back on the bandwagon? What if I didn't set a deadline and learn to Be still and know that he is God.....maybe the best answer to how long is- I don't know, but He does.
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