Fun Things Friday January 2022
It is so gloomy today and a whopping 29 degrees with fog to welcome us into the weekend. (10 minutes later the Lord has gifted us blue skies. In the Treasure Valley our winters are very gray so this is a BIG DEAL)
How is life for you lately? What is making you smile? Are you reading anything funny? Watching anything funny? Planning any fun this weekend or coming week?
Here are a few things I found that make me smile:
Watch: Jim Gaffigans new comedy tour is out on Netflix called Comedy Monster and its great.
Read: this book with your kids, I can't get enough of my sons laughter at night with this one.
Plan: If you are local and want some easy fun with your kids go tubing! Parking is free and if you get a group to go, buy tickets together to get a discount.
Fridays are typically for Pizza, Popcorn, cookies and a movie and Saturday is date night. Friends of littles, enjoy those days. Because someday weekends will turn into early nights to get up at 430 am to go to volleyball tournaments and your husband is on call so no date night and you are scrambling to find a time for all of you to be together, and even with all the fun to be had and planned, its the hearts and attitudes that can make or break it. Don't give up (this is for me), Galatians 6:9 Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.
And there is always ice cream friends.....
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