Thankfulness for Trials

I read a sign on a nature walk with my mom that read "Be thankful for the problems you don't have", and it was a good reminder for me when I am in my pity party to stop, and get out of myself, get out of my house and go for a walk.

I walk 30 minutes almost daily.  Since my last post I have become more aware of what foods tend to bother me, what I crave, what my own body needs for where my hormones are and how food, rest, and supplements can all come along side me, but nothing comes close to quiet time with the Lord. And sometimes quiet time with the Lord turns into yelling at Him...let me explain.

I am walking {I dream of being a runner, because I like the sweat and how easy it is for me to sleep after a good run }because 2 weeks ago I threw out my back.  2 days into getting up earlier than the kids and coming up with a new, low key workout plan and bam.  Too many leg lifts and I couldn't bend over.  Since J is seeing a chiropractor I went ahead signed up for my own plan.  I was discouraged and a friend sent me this from her own journal  'Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.” Matthew 21:21-22.

A week later I came down with a sinus infection.  I missed a gathering of W + F mammas {if you are not familiar Mammas go here.} and I was sick...again.  I was really discouraged.  Still nursing my back, and now a sinus infection.  The chiropractor adjusted me to help my body drain the infection and the naturopath has me on supplements and using the frequency box to sleep on a night.  I am also using oils and a sinus rinse, teas, bone broth, you name it.  I am all about helping myself get better. Trying to finish school is kind of a joke these days...

As I sent my friend, yet, another pity party text, she sent me this: "God is relational. So in every trial He wants to show a side of Himself to you that you may not yet know.  He wants to be something for you that He couldn't be if you didn't have this problem.  So I'm seeing He wants to be your Healer, Your Strength, your Hope."  The next 2 nights I had terrible sinus headaches, the second night was so bad I was in my bed bawling and finally I cried out to the Lord, "Ok, you have my attention, what do you want to reveal to me?"  Ok, not really...I was angry and hurting and I said "What in the world do you want from me?"...cause I am real polite when I am in pain...and he showed me a picture of my dad....we love each other but we don't spend a lot of time together. I really don't want to mention him, only for his privacy, and there is always different takeaways from why things are the way they are.  So I said Ok, I will call him tomorrow.  And within minutes my headache was gone and I drifted off to sleep and slept 10 hours.

And God did not let me forget.  He reminded me several times and once I got a quiet moment I called my dad and left him a long 'ol message about not texting each other so much, talking more, and spending more time together.

I am done being shocked, angry, frustrated when the next trial comes, whether it be a sickness, set back in my plans, or a strained relationship.  God is working in me and I am thankful for what 'problems' I have, my forever growing faith in His healing and His plan for me gets stronger and better the more observant I am.  He is softly whispering in my ear on how to help me, and if I stop running through life looking for my quick fix, I might be able to see and enjoy what He has set out for me. 


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