Tip Tuesday
We are in our 4th year of homeschooling, and we are still on quite a journey but last week I had a moment where I paused and thought, ok, this is what I was always wanting, praying for. Both girls were begging for us to do school. What? Why? I was confused. And I was mad at myself. Because, I didn't want to do school. For the love.
So I made John do school with us since he was home ( he has been working out of town and he was home so I wanted to spend time with him as a family), we did a quick nature study and quick nature walk by the lake (looking for moss in a dessert is just a joke y'all) and again today girls are patiently waiting for me.I realized its because I finally had that last rope I was desperately hanging on to cut off in September when I went away for a weekend without John or the girls and attended a Wild + Free conference, and observed my sister in law's school. It's what I observed and reported back to the girls that got them so excited to learn. The inner peace and relaxation I received, I was able to pour into them.
I am so worried about what others think about us, whether homeschooled or not, or what my kids know will affect how people treat them or accept them. I can't control that and once I saw the joy of learning in their eyes and listened to what they wanted to know I was able to lay down a feast for them. My love language is act of service, you tell me what you want/need, and I enjoy finding out what you want/need, and have a passion for it.
And what they wanted the most? Things I had randomly put together last year on my own (never really on my own, because I pray daily for the Lord to give me what I need to give them) were the things they are asking for.
They wanted to do reports, and it was just ideas I put down on notecards as guidelines. Both girls were on devices and pouring out ideas for what they were going to do for their reports. One girl is rattling off Italian words and looking up facts and ideas I never knew, and the other is needing help looking up facts about Tsunamis, and I had no idea of the devastation of the most recent ones. I am learning along side of the girls, and its such a joy. When they are busy loving learning, sharing their passion, there is less fighting and more giving of advice, and joy. (And make sure you read 'less, not ZERO)
Here are pictures of my notecards I found, and we have a school day planned this week on how to make a meal for a family, how to cook, bake, prepare, pray and care for others. We are also planning on a poetry/writing day and the squeals were music to my ears.
I am praising God more and more each day as I trust this process that He put in my heart years before we started and I am thankful for the opportunity to do it.
My tip is to listen to what your kids are asking for, they are hungry for learning and you are more than enough to teach them. It looks like all you need is terrible handwriting and 3 by 5 index cards.
Praying for you and your journey-
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