Weekly Highlights
We were able to enjoy the Aquarium in Boise since the Hubby had worked 4 10's and got an extra day off. It was difficult for me to be outside since my eyes were dilated AGAIN, but that just means I am getting surgery in 4 days. I am excited and nervous, as my mom would tell me AGAIN, 'Oh, its not a big deal, your in, your out, millions of people have done it,' and I know this, and she told me the same thing when I was about to have my first baby. But its my Lasik surgery, so I can cry if I want to MOM!
Anywho, we enjoyed the tropical fish, the birds, the sting ray's, sharks, and lizards at the aquarium. We also bought food so we could feed the fish, sting ray's and birds. The birds were hilarious because Little Man went in with myself, hubby, and Jellybean while Peanut watched from outside the net so she could hear and see everything. As soon as we walked in I was a little jealous, the birds swarmed you and then I saw poop EVERYWHERE, so I was like, oh no.... However, watching Owen watch these birds was so fun. He didn't exactly smile, but he didn't cry either. One flew right on Hubby's shoulder, 6 inches from Little Man's Face and then the bird crawled down his arm to get to Hubby's hand for the food and he didn't scream or hit the bird so that was a bonus. The girls got to pet a snake and a bearded dragon as well. Jellybean loved petting the stingrays the most.
We got home, made dinner, and watched Bridge to Terabithia. We had listened to the audio and the girls loved it. The last 3 minutes of the movie stopped working, Hubby tried fixing it and said it wasn't going to work and Jellybean lost it, yelled at him, so he snapped back so she ran off crying...Hubby and Peanut were teasing each other about something, she told him to stop and he didn't so she got upset, I said something to her, she got upset again, it was a nightmare of a Family Night, but it was almost 10 and we learned our lesson. We start movies at 630 or bust.
We made a big breakfast Saturday and hubby took Jellybean and Little Man to Grandma's so we could take Peanut to her basketball game, drop her to Grandma's afterwards and shop for our shower remodel. The game was fun but her coach wasn't. He yelled at them and at the end of the game she cried. She played great but she has a hard time, like any of us, with people in your face yelling at you. Her coach is eye level with her so it can be intimidating. Watching the other teams coach on his knees and talking sweet to his team REALLY made Peanut's coach stand out. Its always a great teaching/learning lesson. This will not be the only time you will be around someone like this. You will work with people like this, work for people like this, have customers like this, and you have to learn how to not take it personal, which I think women have a harder time with this, I know I do.
We were able to pick out tile after a hiccup in our communication, which is constantly being tested.
After our 'bump' we found an almond color tile and agreed on how we wanted our bench to look, the cut out for our shower supplies, our shower head, and the next step is paint. We also made it to Costco, Winco and home for a quick 3.5 mile run for me before scooping up our crockpot, some fruit and veggies, and ice cream bars to take to Grandma's to feed our kids and cousins before heading home.
That night Peanut had alot of questions about the Paris attack from ISIS. We never watch the news at our house and when our kids go to grandparents house, or friends house, or anybody's house for that matter, they are exposed to alot more than we are used to. Judge Judy, local news, CNN, FOX news, movies above a PG rating, etc. Peanut is very fearful of going places now, knowing more details about ISIS. She's 10 and such a faithful Christian, that it was a hard conversation but she needed answers to her questions. We talked about fear, and how God wants us to not be fearful and worried. We talked about death, and yes its sad for those left here on earth, but what about those in Heaven? We should be rejoicing for them. True its sad if you are young, or murdered instead of being old and dying peacefully in your sleep, however, those who believe in God, accept Jesus as their savior and are able to enter into His Kingdom, what a glorious place it is. We talked about how to live our lives until then or if Jesus is coming back in our time for us. Peanut has told me more than once she has felt God tell her its going to be soon, and I ain't lying when I say I get goose bumps when I hear that. She asked if we could start giving out bags of food, hygiene items, and money to homeless or those we see begging at Walmart, helping at the Senior Center and to bake cookies for police officers. I was so moved and inspired by her. We may be struggling in multiplication facts, but her heart will take her farther than 8 times 5.
Sunday morning we woke up to texts that great Grandma was in the hospital with a possible stroke. I let John decide how to handle the morning, one service, both services, when to go to the hospital, ask my mom to come watch kids? By the time we took two cars to church John was a bit out of it, clearly worried about his Grandma and I had forgotten diaper bag and a gift for my friend, so I turned around to grab it. On my quiet drive I thought, lets not work around naps and my moms open house where she planned to take our kids and I could see Little Man having a fit, so I thought lets just take our kids to the hospital. So I caught up with my family in church and told Hubby the change of plans and he agreed. On our way out the door after church, he was surprised at our change of plans. I stood dumbfounded because I had told him only an hour before, but he thought I said something else. Its like this ALL THE TIME. we finally told each other we need to dumb it down, seriously like, write it down, one step at a time, read it to each other, sign it with blood, whatever it takes to make our lives not so HARD. We were able to get some items from Grandmas house, get lunch and Little Man fell asleep on our way, so when we got to the hospital I was able to stay in the car with him for an hour. Car naps aren't super restful, but it was better than none. Grandma was in good spirits and her swallow test was good, her speech was good and she had full mobility. They are keeping her a few days and we are praying for her and Grandpa who love each other so much. They are seriously the sweetest couple I have ever seen.
We came home, kids bundled up and went outside before they headed back to church for their Christmas Program practice. Little Man and I stayed home and made dinner and played cars, Hellabalu, and watched Youtube videos of airplanes and trucks. He loved it. Then he was in full meltdown mode from the car nap. So I fed him earlier, bottle, books, and to bed he went. The girls were bummed their brother missed dinner with them, but it was nice to have a quiet dinner and sit without a toddler on our laps or screaming from his chair. Peanut is excited to have a singing part with her friends in the program and she was able to get some Co Op homework done.
This week I am looking forward to Lasik surgery, some time with the girls in my lap, running with Owen, basketball and karate for the girls, helping at great grandma's house and praying the hubby has a great work week and doesn't let the shower remodel take over.
Anywho, we enjoyed the tropical fish, the birds, the sting ray's, sharks, and lizards at the aquarium. We also bought food so we could feed the fish, sting ray's and birds. The birds were hilarious because Little Man went in with myself, hubby, and Jellybean while Peanut watched from outside the net so she could hear and see everything. As soon as we walked in I was a little jealous, the birds swarmed you and then I saw poop EVERYWHERE, so I was like, oh no.... However, watching Owen watch these birds was so fun. He didn't exactly smile, but he didn't cry either. One flew right on Hubby's shoulder, 6 inches from Little Man's Face and then the bird crawled down his arm to get to Hubby's hand for the food and he didn't scream or hit the bird so that was a bonus. The girls got to pet a snake and a bearded dragon as well. Jellybean loved petting the stingrays the most.
We got home, made dinner, and watched Bridge to Terabithia. We had listened to the audio and the girls loved it. The last 3 minutes of the movie stopped working, Hubby tried fixing it and said it wasn't going to work and Jellybean lost it, yelled at him, so he snapped back so she ran off crying...Hubby and Peanut were teasing each other about something, she told him to stop and he didn't so she got upset, I said something to her, she got upset again, it was a nightmare of a Family Night, but it was almost 10 and we learned our lesson. We start movies at 630 or bust.
We made a big breakfast Saturday and hubby took Jellybean and Little Man to Grandma's so we could take Peanut to her basketball game, drop her to Grandma's afterwards and shop for our shower remodel. The game was fun but her coach wasn't. He yelled at them and at the end of the game she cried. She played great but she has a hard time, like any of us, with people in your face yelling at you. Her coach is eye level with her so it can be intimidating. Watching the other teams coach on his knees and talking sweet to his team REALLY made Peanut's coach stand out. Its always a great teaching/learning lesson. This will not be the only time you will be around someone like this. You will work with people like this, work for people like this, have customers like this, and you have to learn how to not take it personal, which I think women have a harder time with this, I know I do.
We were able to pick out tile after a hiccup in our communication, which is constantly being tested.
After our 'bump' we found an almond color tile and agreed on how we wanted our bench to look, the cut out for our shower supplies, our shower head, and the next step is paint. We also made it to Costco, Winco and home for a quick 3.5 mile run for me before scooping up our crockpot, some fruit and veggies, and ice cream bars to take to Grandma's to feed our kids and cousins before heading home.
That night Peanut had alot of questions about the Paris attack from ISIS. We never watch the news at our house and when our kids go to grandparents house, or friends house, or anybody's house for that matter, they are exposed to alot more than we are used to. Judge Judy, local news, CNN, FOX news, movies above a PG rating, etc. Peanut is very fearful of going places now, knowing more details about ISIS. She's 10 and such a faithful Christian, that it was a hard conversation but she needed answers to her questions. We talked about fear, and how God wants us to not be fearful and worried. We talked about death, and yes its sad for those left here on earth, but what about those in Heaven? We should be rejoicing for them. True its sad if you are young, or murdered instead of being old and dying peacefully in your sleep, however, those who believe in God, accept Jesus as their savior and are able to enter into His Kingdom, what a glorious place it is. We talked about how to live our lives until then or if Jesus is coming back in our time for us. Peanut has told me more than once she has felt God tell her its going to be soon, and I ain't lying when I say I get goose bumps when I hear that. She asked if we could start giving out bags of food, hygiene items, and money to homeless or those we see begging at Walmart, helping at the Senior Center and to bake cookies for police officers. I was so moved and inspired by her. We may be struggling in multiplication facts, but her heart will take her farther than 8 times 5.
Sunday morning we woke up to texts that great Grandma was in the hospital with a possible stroke. I let John decide how to handle the morning, one service, both services, when to go to the hospital, ask my mom to come watch kids? By the time we took two cars to church John was a bit out of it, clearly worried about his Grandma and I had forgotten diaper bag and a gift for my friend, so I turned around to grab it. On my quiet drive I thought, lets not work around naps and my moms open house where she planned to take our kids and I could see Little Man having a fit, so I thought lets just take our kids to the hospital. So I caught up with my family in church and told Hubby the change of plans and he agreed. On our way out the door after church, he was surprised at our change of plans. I stood dumbfounded because I had told him only an hour before, but he thought I said something else. Its like this ALL THE TIME. we finally told each other we need to dumb it down, seriously like, write it down, one step at a time, read it to each other, sign it with blood, whatever it takes to make our lives not so HARD. We were able to get some items from Grandmas house, get lunch and Little Man fell asleep on our way, so when we got to the hospital I was able to stay in the car with him for an hour. Car naps aren't super restful, but it was better than none. Grandma was in good spirits and her swallow test was good, her speech was good and she had full mobility. They are keeping her a few days and we are praying for her and Grandpa who love each other so much. They are seriously the sweetest couple I have ever seen.
We came home, kids bundled up and went outside before they headed back to church for their Christmas Program practice. Little Man and I stayed home and made dinner and played cars, Hellabalu, and watched Youtube videos of airplanes and trucks. He loved it. Then he was in full meltdown mode from the car nap. So I fed him earlier, bottle, books, and to bed he went. The girls were bummed their brother missed dinner with them, but it was nice to have a quiet dinner and sit without a toddler on our laps or screaming from his chair. Peanut is excited to have a singing part with her friends in the program and she was able to get some Co Op homework done.
This week I am looking forward to Lasik surgery, some time with the girls in my lap, running with Owen, basketball and karate for the girls, helping at great grandma's house and praying the hubby has a great work week and doesn't let the shower remodel take over.
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