For Peanut.....

Peanut, this one is for you.

Thank you so much for all you are.  You love the bible, learning about Jesus, best of all learning truth.  Thank you for loving your sister and your brother.  Thank you for getting your dad's sarcasm and being able to take it and dish it- and having discernment.

Thank you for grabbing my water, my purse, my phone, my keys, whatever I need to get out the door.  Thank you for loading your brother is his car seat or getting him out of his seat, thank you for knowing how fearful I am of him getting hurt out in the world so you always hold his hand, pick him up or reassure me, "Mom, I will help him....."  

Thank you for being gracious with me when I am having really bad moments....thank you for giving me awesome hugs every morning and night, and when you come home.  Thank you for asking me to spend time with you and your friends, thank you for asking me to do painting or writing with you.  

Thank you for your laughter, your humor, your emotions, your empathy, and your willingness to share with me, and letting me share with you, and being so trustworthy.

I love you, and I am so thankful for you.  

Little Mamma....


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